Tag Archives: less is more

OOTD | Freedom 

I’m naming this OOTD freedom for obvious reasons but the meaning is real. At this point in my life I’m feeling more free than ever. Some of my feelings of weightlessness come from my constant work toward a capsule (mix and match) wardrobe. 

On this particular morning I was up, dressed and out of the house in about 30 minutes. This includes my low maintenance hair and makeup routine and being able to easily pick out an out because most things in my closet are easily matched with other pieces. I still have a long way to go with my clothes but I’ve made great progress. How’s your mix and match wardrobe working for you? 




Faux Blazer- Marshalls

Freedom Tank- Phuket, Thailand (Thanks!)

Jeans- Old Navy

Leopard flats- Target 

Bag- Target