Once I was sure about the direction I wanted to go in for Grant’s room, I started organizing my projects. Up first on the list was this DIY play teepee. I wanted something unique and whimsical in his room that would give him a place to read or just hide out. Most of the teepee’s for sale in various places either cost more than I wanted to pay ($60-$100) or were way too large for the space. Since I was working with a limited amount of space, I knew it would have to be smaller than the teepee’s I researched online. I gathered my materials mostly from Home Depot and Hobby Lobby and took a full day to knock it out. (Just so we are clear, a full day in this case included a late start, a two hour lunch break, a nap and two glasses of wine) 🙂
This teepee is easy to make, fun, unique and can be easily moved to other rooms or even outside with out falling apart. There is no right or wrong way to put this together. Just try your best to make it sturdy. This is definitely a DIY you’ll want to try. (Steps are detailed on each photo for easy reading) Enjoy!
- 1 inch pvc pipes (4) $16
- 2 yards of plain yellow fabric $10
- 1 yard of Tribal patterned fabric $5
- Yellow Poly Rope
- Drill
- Hot glue gun/spray adhesive/needle and thread (just one of these)
- Pins (for draping)
- Fabrics from Hobby Lobby
- Drill a hole large enough to thread your rope through. Drill from one side of the pipe through to the opposite side.
- Thread all 4 pipes.
- Once all the pipes are threaded tie a knot/double knot to keep them from coming off.
- Stand the pipes up and loosely wrap the rope around all 4 pipes while you set the poles at the distance you desire. Now tighten.
- Alternate wrapping the rope around one pipe at a time.
- Knot one final time and cut off any excess rope.
- I took my two yards of yellow , turned it vertically,placed it below the rope and pinned it in place.
- Hot glue, sew, or use spray adhesive to secure the fabric before removing the pins.
- I used my 1 yard of patterned fabric to cut 2 large right triangles for both sides.
- Pin the patterned fabric into place with pins, then secure it with hot glue, needle and thread or spray adhesive.
- All done! I added a faux sheepskin rug for texture and softness.
- Grant loves his teepee!
- Grant put his Ninja Turtle sofa in his teepee for added comfort 🙂