I was featured in an article that discusses naturals opting to go for shorter natural hair after having long natural hair. Check it out!
I was featured in an article that discusses naturals opting to go for shorter natural hair after having long natural hair. Check it out!
Why did you go natural? or Why do you choose not to wear your hair natural?
I saw this picture in my Bloglovin feed a few days ago and it dawned on me that the words “Go Natural” meant little to me just 5 short years ago. I’ve learned so much about living a cleaner ,more natural lifestyle both with the foods and products that I use and with how I wear my hair.
In the fall of 2010, my sister called me and said that she was going to start wearing her hair natural. This was the first I had heard of it and I quickly went on YouTube to watch the links from the videos she sent me. There I saw dozens and dozens of women empowering other women by showing them the beauty and uniqueness of their natural hair. I could not believe that I had been on earth 23 years without truly considering what I was doing with my hair. I decided that same night that I was going to follow in my sisters foot steps and wear my hair natural too! At the age of 28, I know so many amazing women of various ethnic backgrounds with beautiful hair. Hair that is beautiful because these women wear their hair exactly as it grows from their scalps with out finding fault in it.
I’m not saying these amazing women don’t flat-iron,curl, style, and change their hair often. These women just do those things for a different reason than why I was “choosing” to relax my hair with chemical straighteners. This may sound crazy, but I literally was not aware that I had options when it came to chemically straightening my hair. Was I really making a choice if I was unaware of all my options? There is a well-known saying that says “When you know better, you’ll do better”. Going natural for me took that saying and brought it to life.
So again, why did you go natural? or Why do you choose not to wear your hair natural?