I’m thrilled to be introducing you to another amazing creative, Servante Cook! He is a digital creator that is into skincare, home and menswear. He has an incredible sense of style, owns an amazing event planning business and is a really fun person to be around. Learn more about him by checking out his answers to a short interview below. Enjoy Color Bees!
Name: Servanté

Nickname: Ser, or Vanté
Age: 35
Birth City: Chicago

Ethnic background/Where are your parents from?/ Where are your grandparents from? I’m African American with both parents born here in the states. My grandparents were also African American, all born in southern parts of the states, like Arkansas.
Where do you live now: Houston
When did you first begin to love fashion?: Growing up my older cousin, Greg always had the dopest sneakers and outfits. Whatever he wore, I wanted it. I would borrow his clothes to wear on special days at school and I felt so fly! I believe this was when I first started to love fashion, and feel passionate about expressing myself through it.
Celebrity Crush: Kelly Rowland and Micheal B Jordan 🙂

Favorite song at the moment: “Taboo” by Sevyn Streeter
What is your favorite way to wear color? I love mixing patterns and prints. However, color blocking is also fun. Typically I bring in the color with my sneakers and work from there.
How does infusing color into your wardrobe make you feel? Daring! Wearing things that most guys may stir away from is exciting. I love complimenting my skin tone/ complexion with pops of color.

What are you working on? Right now my focus is growing my platform on social, and creating more content that makes sense to my business goals. I’m also releasing a men’s skincare line (@ser.skn) that I can’t wait to share with the world.
Where can people find/follow/connect with you? Follow me on Instagram at @iamservante ! Visit my blog www.iamservante.com and subscribe to my YouTube Channel IAMSERVANTE