Ready for another fabulously easy fashion DIY? Well these beautiful yarn earrings cost next to nothing and take about 15 minutes to make. The great thing about them is that they are so easily customizable. You can make them in any color yarn comes in to match any style. I know y’all would expect me to go for black and white yarn so I went for the opposite just to spice it up. Light, bright and contrasting colors look best for these earrings. The only materials you need are yarn, scissors, and jewelry wire.

Materials: Yarn, scissors, and jewelry wire.
1. To begin take one color of your yarn and cut 8 equal pieces that are about 7 inches long each.
2. Take your jewelry wire and cut about 7-8 inches from the roll. Gather the 8 pieces of yarn together and wrap the wire around the center section of the bundle of yarn. Leave the left over wire sticking up in the center. That will become the part that goes in your ear.
3. Take the next color of your yarn and from left to right start wrapping it around the wire to cover it. When you first begin wrap the yarn directly on top of itself so that it doesn’t unravel.
4. Once all the wire is covered hold both bundles of yarn together and wrap around both of them to create a circular loop at the top.
5. Continue to wrap the yarn around both ends until you like the amount of color showing in the earring.
6. To end it, tie a loop pull it and repeat the loop one more time.
7. Cut the access yarn from the earring and at this time of you want the hanging strands to be a bit more even you can trim them as well.
8. Lastly, take the remaining wire and bend it to the desired length and cut off any access wire.
Done!! I hope you enjoyed this fashion DIY, leave me a comment about how you may style these cool yarn earrings. Enjoy!