You should give this DIY statement necklace a try because it’s easy, beautiful, cheap (free) to make, bold, and super comfortable! You know I’m all about comfort. The necklace is made from cotton so it fits my life. Lol
- T-Shirt yarn
- scissors
- clips (binder clip, paper clip)
- Needle and thread

My inspiration for this necklace came from the skirt that Lupita Nyongo is wearing in her recent Instagram post.

If you’re not sure how to make t-shirt yarn check out my How to Make T-Shirt Yarn instructions.
Start with your t-shirt yarn and decide how long you want the necklace to be. [Tip: Go for longer pieces because once everything is sewn together it will appear much shorter] Cut the yarn about 1/3 longer than you want it to be. Braiding it will make the length a bit shorter. Cut 2 more equal length pieces of yarn for the braid. (3 total)

Get a clip ready and be sure your pieces of yarn are facing the same direction as pictured above.

Clip the 3 pieces together with your binder clip.

Gently braid the 3 pieces until you reach the end. Don’t pull the yarn too tight because it will result in a very thin braid and you want it to be thicker.

Repeat the same process 3 more times making each braid shorter in length each time.

One side of the braid will look simple and the other side will look more intricate because of the rolling of the fabric. Decide which side you want to appear in front and flip it over. You are going to want to sew the side that will be unseen.

When you sew down the loose ends it’s best to do so by layer, sewing one strand of the braid down at a time. It will look messy underneath but the visible side will look awesome.
Start with the 2 longest braids. Center the shorter braid in the middle of the longest braid. Use a thread color that is close to the fabric color. Thread your needle and tie of the end with a simple knot. Remove your clip from the shorter braid and overlap the loose ends onto the longest braid. Use a simple “over and under” stitch to connect the braid together at the edges where they meet. The trick to making it look seamless in being careful not to sew into the front side of the braid. Since the fabric is rolled there is lots of wiggle room.

Be careful to keep the “U” shape as you connect the braids.
Repeat this same process for the last two braids. Remember to sew close to the edge where the braids meet. To connect the back of the necklace simply remove the clips, overlap the ends and do a few neat stitches on the underside that won’t be shown. No clasp needed! Just put it on like a t-shirt.

Done! People are going to want to know where you got your necklace from. Smile and tell them it’s a hand made original. Enjoy!
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